GB / BB Exchange Days 2019

/GB / BB Exchange Days 2019
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Objective of the GB / BB Exchange Days

  • Presentations: The new trands for Six Sigma
  • Workshops and Best Practices (My Project work in Six Sigma)
  • Exchange and Networking

Agenda May 2019 first day, 19.00

Get Together „bei Bier and Brezel“ – Networking im Hotel

Agenda May 2019 second day, 9.00 – 16.00

09.00 – 09.15
Introduction (Dr. Dietmar Stemann and Gebhard Mayer)

09.15 – 09.45
New trends for Six Sigma (Dr. Dietmar Stemann)

09.45 – 12.00
Workshop: Experience, Results and Challenges in my own Six Sigma project work

12.00 – 13.00
Lunch Mittagessen

13.00 – 13.30
Impulsvortrag: DFSS (Dr. Dietmar Stemann)

13.45 – 15.30
Workshop: SWOT Analyse Sigma (Challenges, Risks and success factors)

15.30 – 16.00
Wrap Up (Gebhard Mayer)

The Hotel

Great views of Lake Starnberg, with an amazing alpine panoramic view – welcome to Hotel Empress Elisabeth. Everyone who enters the hotel can sense what the Empress of Austria loved so much about this place: A stylish frame promises comfort, the large glass windows create a feeling of lightness, and any stress and tension dissipates into the distance.


Seminars located on Lake Starnberg Hotel provides a tranquil yet central location with the best conditions for the implementation and success of conferences and seminars. All seminars, conferences or workshops will experience the atmosphere of the hotel tradition, emphasizing an exceptionally motivating environment. From every room, the view of the magnificent scenery is a new inspiration.


The 25 double, 20 single rooms and 6 suites are comfortably furnished, with a flair and comfortable furnishing is chosen individually, antiques complement your own style. All rooms have private bath / shower and toilet and most of them also have a balcony with views of mountains and the lake. The latest communications technology is also available.

Room Reservations

You can book your room with the reference „MTS“ in the Golfhotel Kaiserin Elisabeth, for a special price of € 108,00 per night.

Conference Fee: 430,- €

Including handout and food.
All prices are excluding VAT and per person.

Please register per


If you cancel before the registration deadline, you will receive a refund less cancellation fee of 150 Euro plus VAT (this is to cover our administration fees).
If you cancel after the registration deadline, unfortunately we cannot provide any further refund.

Registration deadline is to be announced.

Do you have questions?

Your contact is:
Frau Petra Fremerey
Mobile: +49 (0)176 – 22 84 93 68

mts Consulting Partner
Elisabethstraße 1
D-59457 Werl