Concept Design 4.0 Management Training & Workshop

/Concept Design 4.0 Management Training & Workshop
Concept Design 4.0 Management Training & Workshop2024-02-14T11:08:19+01:00

Workshop Information

This training adresses Managers und decision makers who are engaged in all oft he challenges of the digitalization. You are aware about all oft he possibilities and opportunities to generate a new business and a higher profit but you’re struggling to find the right concept and a suitable starting approach.  There are tremendous technological opportunities and it’s nearly impossible to keep an overview. Your IT- experts come up with various ideas and proposals up to an application of artificial intelligences and you become afraid that several parallel actions might be contra productive.

An additional challenge ist hat there are several initiatives like Lean, Six Sigma, Agile Management or Scrumin place, already. You may think if these approaches can be neglected in the future or how to integrate them inside of a digital company in a proper way.

Duration2 days (from 9:00-17:00)
VenueFeldafing at the lake of Starnberg – Munich
Cost excl. VAT€ 2.995,- per person
QualificationCertificate „Design Management 4.0“
Minimum participants3
PrerequisitesNothing special
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Via this training you will learn and experience how to develop a good customized concept 4.0 and which enablers are important. And also you will recognize the role of present initiatives like Six Sigma, Data Mining or  Process Mining and how to integrate. Learn about our model and our Roadmap for Industry 4.0 and achieve the ability to review the process of digitalization in your company and to control it.

The contents:

Digital Transformation but with a systematic approach, usage of methodology

  • Potentials, chances and risiks

  • What is it ? / What is it not ?

  • Will all of the existing initiatives and working styles be substituted ?

Identification of the main enablers of a digital company

  • „Voice of customer“ as a trigger for a goal scenario
  • Development of a causal chain
  • Concept Design 4.0
  • Deduction of goals and sub goals

Presentation and discussion of the Roadmap 4.0

  • Development and implementation along a logical red line
  • Systematic approach
  • Usage of specific questionaires regarding information-, communication- and automation technologies
  • Delta-Analysis

Presentation and discussion of the Roadmap 4.0

  • Role and meaning of Lean, Six Sigma and Design for Six Sigma inside of a digital company
  • (Systematic) avoidance that there will not happen a digitalization of processes with a poor performance
  • The task and the benefit of Big Data Analytics – presentation and discussion of real examples
  • Application of artificial intelligence – typical situations in the business

Holistic implemenation of 4.0

  • Holistic Change Roadmap in combination with the Roadmap 4.0
  • Integration and harmonization of all initiatives
  • The right level of agility

Presentation of a Case Study – Pasta machine

  • Pointing out of the principles of digitalization and handling of Big Data on the example of a Pasta process
  • Pasta Making live, real running machine

The role of human beings inside of a digital value chain

  • Future qualifications
  • Requirements on a digital Management
  • Human development, Leadership and Mindset
  • Interactions between the Management, agile teams, Scrum Masters, Master Black Belts and Data Scientists

This training is not a presentation, only. It will be also an interactive Workshop and will involve the participants with self assessments, a development of concrete results etc.


  • You will understand what a good concept for Industry 4.0 should contain and you know a suitable model
  • You understand the Roadmap 4.0 as a causal and logical red line
  • You will be able to manage and to control the digitalization process in your company in a goal oriented manner
  • The role and the necessity of other approaches like Six Sigma, Design for Six Sigma, Data Mining, Process Mining etc. has become clear to you.
  • You will have the ability to compensate existing delta’s and deficits systematically
  • You’ll know a goal oriented handling of Big Data, Machine Learning and artificial intelligence and kyou are able to manage the development of a customized and suitable concept
  • The future role of human beings indside of a digital company and also the required skills are clear and transparent for you.

Target group:

General Managers, CEO’s, directors, Business unit leaders, Decision makers


  • Complete training documentation (in paper and as .pdf-files)
  • Certificate „Design Management 4.0“
  • Coaching of your initiative in the company if required and desired
  • Interactive working with Workshop character
  • Presentation of real Case studies
  • Excellent lunch Mittagessen and further services for coffee -/ tea breaks
  • Beautiful seminar hotel in an idyllic surrounding , good service
  • Enough possibilities for sharing experiences and transfer of expert knowledge
  • Common dinner in the „Stüberl“ of the Golf hotel Kaiserin Elisabeth