Analysis and optimization of MCRS2019-07-05T09:55:40+01:00

How does it work?

If your answer to such or similar questions would be „yes“ then our approach will be exactly what you need in your company.
Each Management Control & Reporting System (MCRS) can be divided into 4 columns: Forecast / Order Entry (OE), Planning, Execution and Reporting, independently from the branch.
Have a look to the following example (fictive):

MCRS FPER scheme

Our approach

Our approach contains at first a description / visualization of the existing system with all real documents that are in daily use and also all planning and Reporting tools, KPI’s, meetings, flow of informations etc. This will be supported by our Roadmap we have developed for MCRS analysis, especially.
It is possible to summarize and to visualize the existing of each company via this unique roadmap incl. all IT systems. In most of the cases Management and employees have been surprised very much. The overall picture points out in an impressive manner all disadvantages.

The next step is an analysis of the existing system regarding:

  • Forecasting methods

  • Planning systems for

  • Personal

  • Materials

  • Machines

  • Tests and checks

  • Patency Top-down

  • Media breaks

  • Meeting structure and contents

  • Control loops (Feedback from Reporting to Planning)

  • Documents not in use

  • Isolated activities

  • Missing or non suitable KPI‘s

Based on these results and learnings the design of a better system will be started and this should be the system which your company really needs. For this design phase we have a roadmap, again and finally the new system will pass a pilot phase and then be implemented. It will contain

  • Suitable KPI’s for an optimal Process Controlling at all important stages in your process chain
  • Causality in your Top down planning and Bottom up – Reporting
  • The real needed Reporting with the right KPI‘s, summarization and reporting  frequency adopted to your business needs

Why use Analysis and optimization of your Management Control & Reporting System with MTS Consulting Partner

We offer the following Consulting Services:

  • Investigation and complete visualization of your existing Management Control & Reporting System (MCRS) together with you

  • Development of a customized (individual) system and support in system implementation

  • Harmonization of MCRS with your Industry 4.0 concept and also full integration of Data Mining or even Process Mining, if necessary

  • Qualification of employees and Management with respect to the MCRS

Let’s get started!

We’re looking forward to providing you with a quote, a demo or any information about our services.