Data based FMEA

//Data based FMEA
Data based FMEA2019-09-02T17:04:50+01:00

Training Information

The FMEA is a common method which is applied by many companies since a longer time in order to perform risk analysis for products, systems or processes. Also the FMEA is an elementary part of many audits between customers and suppliers but very often people are afraid of such time intensive meetings and feel that FMEA is just a duty which has to be done.

FMEA is Team work and it requires time. One of the reasons for time consumption are endless discussions regarding the probability of occurrence or detection. A data based FMEA can help you and transform such discussions from subjective ones to more objective ones.

Length / Duration:2 days (from 9:00-17:00 Uhr)
Cost excl. VAT
Minimum participants3
PrerequisitesThere are no specific requirements
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  • You’ll know about the opportunities to combine a FMEA with data and facts
  • Rating of probabilities based on measurable KPI‘s

Target group:

Employees and Managers of all segments and departments of production and service or administrative companies.

Training contents:

  • FMEA review and introduction
  • Systematic preparation of FMEA’s via functional trees and failure trees
  • Execution of FMEA’s, FMEA process
  • Typical differences between FMEA for products and processes
  • Rating of the probability of occurrence based on capability indicators
  • Overview about capability indicators for continuous and discrete items / variables
  • Data based rating of the probability of detection, calculation of the risk for not detecting defects with existing samplings and checks or testing stations
  • Introduction into the sampling theory for discrete and continuous items / variables
  • FMEA and interfaces to Axiomatic Design and functional analysis

Scope of services:

  • Detailed training documentation (in paper and as .pdf.-files)
  • Coaching of your project ba an experienced Master Black Belt (limited)
  • Interactive workshops
  • Certificate ” Data based FMEA ”
  • Free space for exchange and knowledge transfer