Implementation of DFSS in the chemical r&d in Evonik Industries

Design for Six Sigma in the chemical research and development
Chemistry industry
Design for Six Sigma
The reactive approach of Six Sigma-DMAIC has been working, already but a preventive DFSS-methodology was not implemented yet. Also it was not clear enough if an adaption of DFSS as applied in Automotive and Manufacturing would work in the Chemistry.
By this pliot project there should be tested if the DFSS-methodology and all of it’s tools can be applied in the chemical research and development Another essential motivation had been to convince the chemical scientists involved by the benefit of spending more ressources in the early stage of product and process design. It has been also an intention to get their support fort he usage of tools and analytics in the future.
Our Solution:
Design for Six Sigma
Project duration:
ca 2,5 years
A DFSS-pilot project was initiated:
Proceeding along the DFSS-Roadmap with the phases
Define – Measure – Analyse – Design – Verify
We like to remark here that the names of such phases are absolutely secondary. It is much more important to build a causal chain fort he new product- and process design and to continue along the Roadmap.
During this design project there have been implemented several modifications and extensions on the existing DFSS-Roadmap which was the input at the beginning. In that manner we could achieve an optimal adaption tot he needs and requirements of the chemical branch.
In several specific situations we realized that Data Mining-tools must be integrated into the design process because no other solutions available.
One message of the final presentation was that it generates a big benefit to switch ressources from reactive improvements to front loading via DFSS. This had been also a contributor to a new thinking and behaviour.
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