Support of design projects2019-07-15T09:19:11+01:00

How does it work?

Should you have such situations or similar ones in your company then we can offer you a systematic and powerful support which will be able to achieve the required improvements of a design project. In addition you can get a feeling for innovative tools and methods which enable successful solutions for complex products and processes.

You are confronted more often with problems when starting a new series production or a little bit later?

The requirements and complexity of new designs increases continuously?

You as a design engineer become involved in „Fire Fighting“ or Task Force projects and your resources take more the role of a permanent problem solving team ?

The cycles „Time to market“ or „Time to SOP“ become shorter?

Your experience and your assumption is that the traditional way of working isn’t able any more to fulfil the rising requirements?

The digital transformation challenges you as a responsible design engineer?

We have a fundamental and very wide Knowhow in methodology and Big data analytics as a very powerful support when designing products and processes and this has been proven in many projects. Based on our technical expertise in combination with Design for Six Sigma we can support you in all kind of design projects. All of the relevant functional requirements will be delivered as well as target costs and time frames.
Especially in the following branches we have been successfully supporting design projects:

  • Automotive
  • Chemistry
  • Moulding injection technology
  • Manufacturing systems Engineering
  • Food industry
  • Pharma
  • Electronics

Empiric experiences have proven that a systematic way of working, paired with methodology and goal oriented data analytics will not cause an exceedance of time frames what is assumed very often. The usage of tools, methods and data based decisions may even shorten the design period as shown by this graph. You can see a comparison between the traditional approach in design projects and an innovative approach.

Why apply for support of design projects with MTS Consulting Partner

We have very fundamental competencies with a wide spectrum what could be proven in many projects.

  • Taking the responsibility for Design projects by us or support by methodology and analytics
  • Start up with series production
  • Support with a prioritisation of projects
  • Summarization of the existing starting situation, definition of one or more performance indicators for success measurements and development of a customized and individual scenario which contains a sequence of concrete tools and methods
  • Selection and fixing all of the sequential steps and required tools and methods
  • Team guidance
  • Integration of suitable methods and analysis tools out of our wide tool box, especially Design for Six Sigma, Data Mining and Process Mining

  • Support in deducting and defining the right tolerances as needed
  • Development of a causal chain from the key requirements to the relevant (significant) parameters in production processes

  • Structured involvement of external Engineering service providers with clear measurable requirements

  • Support in the design of complex measurement and testing systems

  • Participation at customer presentations

Let’s get started!

We’re looking forward to providing you with a quote, a demo or any information about our services.